Originally posted 11/10/11
Team M/K (Morgan & Kelly), our second team of 5th and 6th grade students, are training to become storm chasers. Their first task is to become weather experts so they can safely and successfully chase storms. How does one become a weather expert, you ask? Start by having a teacher who earned a degree in Meteorology! Yep, that's right, we have our very own meteorologist in the school (that's him below).
Each team of storm chasers (guided by our meteorologist/teacher Kelly and his trusty teacher sidekick, Morgan) must take turns briefing the class every morning on the weather for the day. In addition, the teams will each adopt a city in the U.S and record weather data in a daily log; data such as, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and current conditions.
As the storm chasers complete their lessons their chaser car gets to move closer to the tropical storm thats brewing in the southern Atlantic. They will have to use their weather knowledge to choose the right path and intercept the storm. Who will be the quickest and most accurate team to catch up to the storm has yet to be determined....
Good Luck Storm Chasers!
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