Friday, March 21, 2014

The Museum of Betterment

Two weeks ago, our school was transformed! It was time for our annual museum. This year the theme was The Museum of Betterment- things or people that helped make the world a better place.  We saw everything from Dr Seuss, to the Olympics, to Ancient Civilizations, to a green energy power plant, and several charities. Each of the four classrooms transformed into their specific topic within the broad topic of betterment.

Team M/R: This room was full of diverse topics.  Aviation, Operation Smile, Adopt a Pet, the Olympics, etc.  Here are some fun pictures from that museum!

Team SBoogle: These students created a green energy super-facility. The class gave tours of their energy plant- they even wore hard hats to make it more realistic!

Team M/K: This class took us way back in time to Ancient civilizations.  Their students got really into it dressing up like Vikings, Cleopatra, Native American Indians, even security guards.

Team A/A: All the students in this team created fundraising events and food to sell. The funds raised from the sales would go to their charities.  Visitors were given an imaginary amount of $200 to spend supporting charities of their choice, chosen after they listened to each charity's spokesperson.  

Our museum got a nice write up in the Centre County Gazette...hopefully, next year we'll get some more press! This museum is always open to the public and we love having visitors come see our school, especially when our students transform it into something as cool as this!