Friday, June 7, 2013

And another year flies by....

It's hard to believe that the school year has almost come to an end.  We've been busy doing EYOP's (end of the year projects) and taking field trips. Part of today was spent cleaning out lockers.  Oy! You should have seen the stuff coming out of these lockers!  Anyway, I thought I'd catch you up to speed on some of the fun things we've done here at CLC to finish out the year.

Team M/R: No-weld recumbent bike building.  They basically take apart bikes and piece them back together as recumbent bikes. Pretty cool!

 CLC Circus: We had a lot of circus-type things happening during ESP for a few months so it was only natural that the kids wanted to have a circus to show off their new talents!  There was juggling, hula hooping (and not just ordinary hula hooping either...swing-your-leg-through-the-hoop-then-over-your-neck kinda stuff!), unicyclists, and acrobatics! It was quite a show, these kids are SO talented!

Entering the "ring"!

Student Representative Voting: The students had to vote for a teacher to represent them on the CLC Board.  Siobhan and Deb were the candidates and they each put on a great campaign! In then end, Siobhan took home the title of Student Representative by only a few votes.

Deb and her campaign manager

Private voting booths

Showing off their "I Voted" stickers

In addition to all these fun things we took an all school field trip to the Duquesne Incline and Pittsburgh Zoo, finished up our Specials classes with a rockin' assembly (all our rock bands performed!), and watched the 8th graders graduate.

It's been a great year at CLC! Next year we have some BIG changes coming.  The school is going to go under some big renovations, we can't wait to get it started! Be on the look out for blogs documenting the renovation process!

Have a wonderful summer everyone!